Encompassing a large portion of northeastern Alberta, the Municipal District of Bonnyville consists of over three million acres of farmland and large expanses of natural parkland and lakes. Strengthened by the resource industries of agriculture, petroleum, and forestry, the M.D. of Bonnyville is one of the largest and most diversely developed rural districts in Alberta. The M.D. of Bonnyville is a welcoming place to live with ample career and business opportunities and a unique rural lifestyle.
The M.D. is located in the center of the Cold Lake Oil Sands area, the second largest in Alberta.
With a population is 11,889, the M.D. has a labor force participation rate of 67.8%, a total property assessment of $5.7B, $18.6M total value in development permits, $118M in land title transfers, 7.78% of M.D. residents have a university certificate, diploma, or degree, 17.57% of M.D. residents have college or non university certificates or diplomas and, 14.24% have apprenticeship trade certificates or diplomas.
There is a strong business culture in the community. The M.D. is committed to being a leader and innovator in local municipal governance, services, and economic prosperity”. Post secondary institutions work with business and industry to maintain and develop relevant training options including micro credentials. Progressive, passionate, connected, agile, collaborative, and innovative these are attributes of our community. Innovative industry leaders include Imperial Oil, Canadian Natural Resources Limited, and Cenovus, collaborative businesses include Charlotte Lake Farms.
We are investment-oriented and a development enabler with favorable industrial and residential land costs and business friendly zoning.
What we offer:
Target Industries: Energy, value added agriculture, renewable technologies, and Defense procurement.
Services: Business intelligence, development permits, zoning, and support from our concierge team.
Advantages: Speed of processing, cost of permitting and zoning, clarity of expectations, information for business case development, competitive taxes, proximity to industry and their inputs AG/Oil & Gas/Defense
The M.D. of Bonnyville has been successful in facilitating development. In the last decade the M.D. processed development permit values for the Imperial Oil Nabiye Site in excess of $34 million.
The M.D. of Bonnyville employs a Concierge Process with Planning and Development and Economic Development, allowing for streamlined business development activities. The M.D. has strong economic fundamentals. The M.D. Planning department is very competitive with its associated fees and average approval times.
The M.D. of Bonnyville is fortunate to have within its boundaries six industrial subdivisions of various sizes with available occupancies.
The M.D. is in the design stage for the replacement of the Airport Terminal Building at the M.D. of Bonnyville’s Regional Airport set to come before council with a budget of several million dollars.
The M.D. has undertaken a destination management plan for Kinosoo Ridge Resort. The proposed investment for the expansion at full buildout is expected to exceed $13 million. The proposed expansion includes alpine coaster, amphitheater, French Bay Campground M.D. Park upgrades, ice wall, mini golf, mountain bike/scenic chairlift, pickleball/family ice rink, chalet upgrades and yurts.
While the Kinosoo Ridge Resort expansion demonstrates the M.D.’s commitment to economic diversification through investment, it also shows the M.D.’s dedication to providing excellent quality of life for its residents.
The M.D. of Bonnyville is proud of its quality of life with urban centers providing services to its residents offering big box stores, specialty shops, restaurants, and accommodations that provide unique products and personalized services. The surrounding lakes provide plenty of summer and winter recreation opportunities, resulting in an enviable lifestyle. The M.D. is a welcoming place to live with ample career and business opportunities.
Housing options are plentiful in the M.D. of Bonnyville. There are opportunities to live on farms, hobby farms, acreages of five to 10 acres, rural subdivisions with lots ranging from half an acre to five acres, or in our hamlets offering single or multifamily lots. The M.D. also has rural and commercial zoning to accommodate both family home and business on the same property.
The M.D. of Bonnyville has a strong sense of community. While we embrace our history, we are open and welcome to new opportunities. As home to Canada’s largest Canadian Air Force base, we have the unique opportunity to watch the progression of the Future Fighter Program and Canada’s role in NORAD and NATO.
Our Site Selectors will share their insights on the latest trends and best practices, and provide you with information you need to make informed decisions about your economic development efforts.
Paige Webster started his firm in 2013. Paige has worked with many projects across many industry sectors including: aerospace, bio tech, geo-thermal, wind & solar, warehouse/distribution, office projects, data centers, corporate centers and the retail sector. Paige has been working in site selection and economic development for twenty years.
Paige has had extensive site selection experience as he was the Western Regional Real Estate Manager for Aaron Rents. Paige was able to facilitate and expand the major retail expansion for Aaron Rents in the Western United States.
Paige has had experience in the Economic Development arena too. He was the former Economic Development Director for the Greater Yuma Economic Development Corporation. Paige’s experience includes working with back office, warehouse distribution, bio-tech, software development companies and food processing companies for the Yuma area.
Paige did extensive work in cross border economic development and was a member of the Border Trade Alliance (BTA) and worked closely with the Arizona Governor’s Office on cross border issues in Mexico. Paige was on the Workforce Development Board and was also a Board Member of the Arizona Association of Economic Development (AAED). Paige has also received the CEcD designation during his career in Economic Development.
Paige also worked for the Arizona Department of Commerce as the Northern Arizona Representative, assisting companies to expand or relocate to the State of Arizona with projects related to injection molding, warehouse/distribution, back office, agro-business, bio-tech, high tech, aviation.
Paige has received his BS in Regional Development from University of Arizona and has also received his MBA in Global Management from the University of Phoenix. Paige resides in Phoenix, AZ and loves to fly fish, play golf, hunt and scuba dive.
David Gaines, Managing Director, leads the day-to-day operations of the firm’s consulting business and the firm’s commercial and industrial real estate division, Goldstone Realty Partners.
Goldstone Consulting Group provides site selection service to companies that are expanding and searching for new locations to establish operations. Goldstone Consulting Group also provides economic development consulting services to communities.
Prior to founding Goldstone Consulting Group in 2016, Mr. Gaines held leadership roles in two
local and regional economic development agencies dating back to 2007. During that time, he was responsible for the business attraction efforts for the communities he represented as well business retention and expansion programs for those communities.
David is a founding member of the Northeast Missouri Development Partnership, a 14-county regional economic development agency. He also served as the group’s first two-term Chairman of the Board of Directors and currently serves as a member of its Government Relations Committee.
He holds a degree in Business Administration from the Ashford University – Forbes School of
Business and a Chancellor’s Certificate in International Trade from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He is also a graduate of the University of Oklahoma’s Economic Development Institute.
During his 30-years of business experience, David has held positions from sales and marketing to management and ownership. He has worked in the economic development, financial services, print and broadcast media, real estate and business services industries.
David has authored numerous articles for national publications on matters relating to economic development and business and is a former financial talk show host for a major market radio station. In addition, he has also been a panelist and a moderator many times on topics concerning economic development.
Jamie Newell,
With nearly 20 years of experience across all facets of real estate development, Jamie leads projects through every stage of the development process. She began her career representing engineering firms in the construction industry with project procurement during the due diligence
phases prior to joining a boutique site selection firm where she began assisting industrial users with site selection and incentive negotiation consulting services. These services encompass a multitude of problem-solving capabilities such as sourcing investors, siting specific brownfield locations and greenfield sites, identifying federal grant and other incentive opportunities, sourcing contractors, architects, engineers and other consultants, and ultimately closing the deal.
Focusing on strategic growth for her clients, Jamie evaluates supply chain and logistics networks and examines other variables, project drivers, and risk mitigation factors that impact project costs and operational management. Her clients include domestic and global companies primarily within the advanced manufacturing, automotive (electric vehicle) and consumer goods sectors,
and she is currently fostering relationships with companies focused on sustainability efforts.
Jamie attended Longwood University, B.S. Business Administration & Concentration in Management.
Some of Jamie's Strategic Partners Include: Toyo Inc., LioChem e-Materials, Toyota Tsusho America, Inc., Industrial Tech Services (of Japan), Appian Investments, Slumber Shield Inc., Precision Textiles Inc., Blue Pack Marketing, Forge Investment Group, Whitaker Park Development Authority, Town of Troy, Scotland County Economic Development, Brennan Investments, Equus Capital, Nature’s Value – Nutra Pharma, Aberdeen Carolina & Western Railway, Jordan Lumber and Supply Company, Confidential Advanced Manufacturing Client Confidential Automotive Supplier Client, Confidential Food and Beverage Client, Confidential Recycling Client.
In her spare time, she enjoys beekeeping, bird hunting with her dog, “Pax", paddle boarding, and volunteering in her community and with her church. Raised by a distinguished Army Veteran, Jamie proudly supports our nations heroes through her involvement in the All Secure Foundation and Shields and Stripes organizations.
Lew Mollenkamp is President of American Corporate Location Services (ACLS), with offices in Fort Worth and Atlanta. ACLS specializes in effectively navigating the site selection and incentive negotiation process for its clients by providing creative solutions and strong partnerships. Lew has more than thirty years of practice in the site selection, economic development, and workforce development fields with public, private, and non-profit experience. ACLS also specializes in negotiating customized solutions for business, such as training grants from federal, state and/or local sources, solving business issues related to real estate expansions, hiring, and layoff assistance.
Industries served by the company include health care, financial services, aerospace,
manufacturing, retail, energy, non-profit, education, hospitality, government, and technology. Lew and the ACLS team also have extensive experience in developing strategic partnerships for federal grants, including securing millions in funding for clients from US DOL training grant programs. ACLS regularly serves as partner on the US DOL grants evaluation team.
Prior to founding American Corporate Location Services, Lew was Vice President of Government Partnerships for Strategic Partnerships, and Manager of the Credits and Incentives at Arthur Andersen, and Director of Economic Development for the Pampa Economic Development Corporation, Roswell, New Mexico Chamber of Commerce, and Francis Howell Missouri School District.
Michael Edgar is a seasoned development consultant with over 30 years of experience in creating meaningful economic opportunities for small to medium-sized businesses. As a licensed architect with a Master of Architecture from the University of Houston and a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Southern California (USC), he offers a unique perspective to the field of economic and business development.
By bringing together municipal governments, international investors, and businesses to create joint ventures to revitalize communities, Michael uses a holistic and practical approach to economic development.
Previously, as the founder and President of GWDC, a 501c (3) not-for-profit economic development corporation, he developed three catalytic investment programs that brought together access to capital, entrepreneur training, and transformative real estate development into economically disadvantaged communities. In 2016, Michael led the expansion of GWDC’s “SelectChicago” program to include working with over 80 Chicago area municipalities and 50 international trade offices.
Now, as CEO of SelectGlobal, LLC, Michael brings this experience to a wider footprint, consulting with various communities, businesses and investors from around the world.
In the summer of 2022, Michael served on the United States Investment Advisory Council (IAC) where he advised the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on strategies and programs to attract and retain foreign direct investment in the United States.
In addition to his work with SelectGlobal, LLC, Michael is the president and founder of Design Studio C, Ltd. (www.designstudio-c.com), where for the past 25 years, he has led the development of over 1,200 real estate projects throughout the greater Chicago area, including southern Wisconsin.
Michael currently holds an active architecture license in Wisconsin and Illinois, as well as a NCARB Certificate offering reciprocity to practice architecture in 48 states and well as Canada, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand.
A born and raised Calgarian and avid entrepreneur, Grant has optimized out-of-the-box thinking and innovative business processes throughout his entire working career. With a degee in Business Administration & Strategic Marketing, followed up by experience and certification in Tourism
Development & Marketing at University of Calgary Grant has dedicated his entire professional career to benefitting Alberta’s economy as a whole.
Committed to his Calgary community through his service and performance of the Calgary Stampeders’ mascot, Ralph the Dog during his youth he was inspired to create, trademark, promote and perform the first NHL Mascot for the Calgary Flames, ‘Harvey The Hound’.
Grant first entered the Real Estate Industry in 1992 with Touchstone Realty supplementing his community service goals. Working alongside Tourism Calgary leading up to the 1988 Winter Olympics he grew his career in real estate while building his mascot business, now 40 years strong.
A true visionary, Grant developed a travel and tourism online booking service, Resort To Fitness, that became one of the first 500 domains in Canada. When RTF became the second largest spa-booking travel agency in the world, staffed entirely by members of the Canadian Paraplegic Association, Grant passed it on to industry professionals to begin offering his supreme marketing
services to other companies, receiving the National Promotional Product Sales Award in 2008.
Adding to his past real estate experience, Grant recently whetted his appetite for real estate once again when he took on the responsibility of the former Rafter 6 Ranch property, assisting with feasibility and business plan development, securing lease and water licenses while working with the receiver on managing and then selling the property on behalf of bond holders.
An accomplished entrepreneur and award-winning business professional, Grant has returned to the world of Real Estate boasting Top Producer status in both Residential and Commercial avenues. Facilitating company acquisitions and divestitures for several small to medium-sized organizations, working with governmental organizations and development teams, Grant has successfully bridged the gap between creators and gatekeepers to achieve significant win-win situations for economic gains for all parties concerned.
Christine Wong Rambo, CEcD, MBA is a veteran site selection and economic development consultant with more than three decades working with companies and communities. She is a Certified Economic Developer, President, and Founder of Upsize Marketing Strategies, an economic development and site selection consultancy, based in Louisiana, U.S.A.
Christine works with companies to grow their operations from site location to fundraising, incentive advice, and project management. Her clients include Fortune 150 companies such as Lumen Technologies, manufacturing companies such as Outlaw Ordnance, value-added agricultural and meat processing companies such as Fitch Ranch Artisan Meat, and healthcare systems such as Pioneers Medical Center.
Upsize also works with communities, regions, chambers of commerce, and economic development organizations to become ready for economic development from developing strategic plans, marketing plans, industry cluster analysis, business development and attraction strategies, and community development.
For over a decade, Christine led the marketing and business development efforts of North Louisiana Economic Partnership (NLEP), a regional economic development organization. Under her leadership, NLEP’s lead generation program generated 65 percent of its leads. The business attraction, expansion, and retention strategies successfully recruited 66 economic development projects that generated $1.86 billion in capital investment and 5,267 new direct jobs over ten years. The economic development projects included corporate offices, headquarters, manufacturing, distribution, professional services, and distribution companies. Her efforts to certify and market a shovel-ready industry park in Shreveport, LA led to the recruitment of a $200 million Amazon fulfillment center which will create 1,000 jobs.
Her work earned an Excellence in Economic Development Award from the International Economic Development Council for video and multimedia promotion and an ADDY award for website development.
Before entering the economic development profession, Christine was an award-winning anchor and reporter for 12 years. She earned her BA in Communications from American University and her MBA from the University of Louisiana at Monroe. She was named a “Women of Distinction” on a national registry of accomplished women leaders and volunteers with IEDC to support its Certified Economic Developers (CEcD) Program.
SiteLink will be Hosted at Best Western Cold Lake Inn at 4815 52 Street, Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada T9M 1P1.
Special SiteLink Attendees can receive a rate of $149.99 CAN per night (plus applicable taxes & fees).
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Our Forum is Brought to You by These Incredible Sponsors
Take a closer look at the event agenda to see what we've got in store.
3:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Registration Open: Best Western/Cold Lake Inn, Aspen (5315 48 Avenue, Cold Lake, Alberta T9M OK9, Canada)
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Opening Reception. (Portage College, 7825 51 St, Cold Lake, Alberta T9M 0B6)
7:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Exclusive Sponsorship Only Dinner with the Site Selectors. (Location To Be Determined)
7:30 – 8:30 a.m.
Breakfast: (Best Western Cold Lake Inn, (Aspen Room), Cold Lake, Alberta)
8:00 – 8:15 a.m.
Welcome: Mr. Paige Webster, President, Webster Global Site Selectors and Local Dignitaries
8:15 – 8:45 a.m.
Paige Webster, Webster Global Site Selectors
8:45 – 9:00 a.m.
SiteLink Forum Break
9:00 – 9:30 a.m.
Michael T. Edgar, Select Global, LLC
9:30 – 10:00 a.m.
Lew Mollenkamp, American Corporate Location Services
10:00 – 10:15 a.m.
SiteLink Break
10:15 – 10:45 a.m.
SiteLink networking with Site Selectors. These rapid-format interaction sessions between attendees and site selectors are extremely valuable and an opportunity to promote your community’s economic development efforts.
10:45 – 11:15 a.m.
Jamie Newell, Eastward H2 Advisory Services
11:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m.
SiteLink Recreation Activities. (Box Lunch included) unique to SiteLink, this is the time for you to unwind and join your peers in unique recreation options including: . You will enjoy the activities we have planned for you and expand your network at the same time.
6:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Dinner with Keynote Speaker: Shane Getson, MLA-Best Western Cold Lake Inn, (Aspen Room)
7:30 – 8:00 a.m.
Breakfast (Best Western Cold Lake Inn (Aspen), Cold Lake, Alberta, 5315 48 Avenue, Cold Lake, Alberta T9M OK9, Canada)
8:00 – 8:30 a.m.
David Gaines, Goldstone Consulting Group
8:30 – 9:00 a.m.
SiteLink Interaction with Site Selectors
9:00 – 9:30 a.m.
Grant Kelba, Century 21 Bravo Realty
9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Christine Wong Rambo, Upsize Marketing Strategies
10:30 – 12:00 p.m.
Lunch and Round Table of Questions and Answers with all Site Selectors.
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